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Government Legal Services

If you wish to have the Legal Services you offer considered for Institutional Membership of the Association and  would like details about it to be included in the web site database please complete this form with as much detail as possible.

Before completing, please read the following notes:
1. The "Head of Service" will normally be the senior paid officer in the Department rather than an elected lawyer.
2. The "Contact" will normally be a permanent official in the Department unless the Head of Service wishes to be the contact.
3. The email address given should be a permanent generic address of the Department rather than the personal address of an individual in the Department who may retire or move on.
4. It is helpful but not essential to provide a brief outline of the services offered by the Department.

If you would prefer to download a copy of this form in Rich Text Format (RTF), so you can print a copy and return it to the Secretary later by post or FAX, please click here

Name of Country


Post Title

Current Holder


Name (If not head of Service)

Post Held (If not head of Service)


E-mail Address

FAX Number

Telephone Number

Website Address


Please give a brief description of responsibilities.

Number of Lawyers