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General Meetings  

Sept 2005




There will be a General meeting of the Association at the Queen Elizabeth Conference Centre, London on Sunday 11 September 2005 commencing at 6.00pm for the transaction of the following business - 

  1. Welcome and Introduction by the Chairman, Mike Kendall.
  1. Apologies

Michael Antrum – Treasurer, Tony Jacobs, (Tasmania)  

  1. Minutes

           The Chairman to sign as a correct record the Minutes of the 2003 meeting

            ( Appendix A ) 

  1. Matters arising

To consider any matters arising not otherwise on this agenda. 

  1. Secretary’s Report

To note the report ( Appendix B  )  

  1. Election of Officers for the period 2005 – 2008

           The present Chair is not standing for re-election but no nomination has been received       from Kenya venue for the next CAPSL meeting).  Accordingly it is proposed that Mr Kendall be asked to continue as Chair in a caretaker capacity pending resolution of the issue of a Kenyan Chair. The Secretary (Greg Ross), Assistant Secretary  (Nigel Roberts) and Treasurer offer themselves for re-election. No other nominations have been received. 

Chair:                                     Mike Kendall     

Secretary:                              Greg Ross         

Assistant Secretary:              Nigel Roberts   

Treasurer:                             Michael Antrum 

  1. Constitution: Membership

Issues to do with the tyranny of distance and need for regular liaison with the Commonwealth Secretariat has led to the need to establish a position of Assistant Secretary based in the UK

    1. To consider amendments to Clause 5 as set out below. Additions are shown in bold and omissions in brackets:


Clause 5.1    Chairman, a Secretary, Assistant Secretary and a Treasurer shall be elected at the General Meeting to hold office until the conclusion of the next General Meeting held at a Commonwealth Law Conference at which they shall, if willing, be eligible for re-election.

Clause 5.4 The Secretary, Assistant Secretary and the Treasurer shall be responsible through the Chairman to the General meeting for respectively the administration and financial affairs of the Association. The Secretary and the Treasurer shall for ease of communication normally be from the same Commonwealth country but the same person shall not hold both offices

Clause 5.5 The Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer in the execution of their duties shall act in accordance with any guidelines given by the Association in General Meeting or otherwise as directed by the Chairman.


  1. Finance
    1. To thank the NSW Law Society Government Solicitors Committee for funding the administration of the Association since 2003; and
    2. To consider what arrangements should be made for the future funding of the Association
  1. Association Web site

To consider  

    1. What arrangements to make for the maintenance of the web site in both the short and longer term;
    2. whether it is practical and financially viable for CAPSL to proceed with phase two of the site’s development; and
    3. What matters to include in the secure section of any such development.
  1. Newsletter

           To discuss the future content and frequency of newsletters - contributions by Members. 

  1. Maintenance of Member Contact Detail

          To discuss options available to deal with ongoing problem of loss of contact with      members as their mail and email addresses change are changed 

  1. Kenya/ 2008

To discuss the arrangements to be made for the Association’s involvement in the next Conference 

13. Any Other Business 

Greg Ross
